Ogmius: In Full Flight – an online event
Aimed at performance venues, artists, theatre companies and arts professionals from around the world, the three partners created a jam packed day of free practical workshops, seminars and talks about their experiences during the Ogmius project. The online event was held on June 18 2021, and called In Full Flight.
> Click here to watch all the sessions from In Full Flight on the OGMIUS youtube channel.
Across the day the companies provided the audience with different ways of accessing their work and the event was divided into the following sessions:
Textlab – featured a 20 minute premiere work-in-progress inspired by the story of A Little Prince. Created through the project’s Textlab artists’ residency, aimed at creating a performance that breaks down the language barriers faced by the three companies, while adapting to the limitations of working collaboratively, online. The session included a talk with director Harald Leander and the three actors involved, as well as a behind-the-scenes short film.
Face to Face Artist Residencies – Actors, support workers and translators shared and reflected on experiences from the two workshop residencies focusing on Movement and Music. This session included two short films from the residencies in Roubaix and Bradford.
Creative Doodle Book Workshop – A workshop for anyone who wants to be creative for an hour – no prior arts experience was needed, and the workshop was suitable for anyone with or without a disability. Using a few pages from the Creative Doodle Book, facilitator Vicky encouraged participants to explore and enjoy their creativity.
Support Workers – Explored how important support work is in all three organisations and also how each company takes a different approach. The session featured three short films about how LD&A artists’ support is delivered in the three organisations, as well as a conversation between support workers in all three organisations.
A guide to self reflection for learning disabled artists – A workshop aimed at learning disabled and/or autistic artists and those who collaborate, work alongside and support. This workshop explored an evaluation method called Photo Elicitation and reflections from Artists who have used it as part of their artistic practice.
Performance Academy – From Sept 2021 learning disabled and/or autistic students completing Mind the Gap Academy programme in the Performing Arts will be awarded a York St John Certificate in Higher Education. This session was a discussion led by Mind the Gap Academy Director, Charli Ward and Professor Matthew Reason (York St John University) about formalising high-level learning disabled and/or autistic artist training and different types of assessment.
Colour Full – A creative workshop led by Mind the Gap artist JoAnne Haines. Playful, expressive, and maybe a little messy. Suitable for people of all ages, with and without disabilities and no previous arts experience necessary. Colour Full is a sensory, hands-on workshop that combines music and movement with art materials and paper to make visual art in your own room.
Conclusion – The final session of the day covered the key learning points from our Ogmius project. Strengths and weaknesses. Similarities and Differences. What has been adapted and adopted. Key questions and issues raised.